Public deliverables
Periodic assessment reports, referred to as "deliverables," must be submitted to the European Commission as part of the continuous assessment process.
This page provides information on and access to the Flexby project´s public reports.*
*The documents on this page may be subject to change following review by the European Commission.
WP1 – Project Managment
Ethics Requirements & Facility Authorisation Reports
Deliverable number: 1.4
Due date: M36
Lead beneficiary: IDENER
Updated Data Management Plan
Deliverable number: 1.6
Due date: M48
Lead beneficiary: IDENER
WP2 – Flexby Requirements
Physicochemical Sheet for the Biomass Feedstock
Deliverable number: 2.1
Due date: M6
Lead beneficiary: CSIC-INCAR
Requirement List for the TRL 4 Flexby System
Deliverable number: 2.3
Due date: M10
WP3 – Microwave Pyrolysis Design & Testing
Simulation Model of the Microwave Pyrolysis
Deliverable number: 3.1
Due date: M14
Lead beneficiary: FRICKE & MALLAH
Comparison Report of Lab-scale Pyrolysis Heating Systems
Deliverable number: 3.3
Due date: M31
Lead beneficiary: CSIC-INCAR
Report on Lab-scale Experiments with Different Operating Variables for the Bio-char Obtention Process
Deliverable number: 3.4
Due date: M31
Lead beneficiary: CSIC-INCAR
WP4 – Advanced Biofuel Production
Report on Lab-scale Experiments with Different Operating Variables for the Pyrogas-to-Biohydrogen Process
Deliverable number: 4.3
Due date: M32
Report on Lab-scale Experiments with Different Operating Variables for the SOFC & PEM Cells
Deliverable number: 4.4
Due date: M36
Lead beneficiary: CSIC-INCAR
WP5 – Optimisation & Upscaling
MDO Problem & Optimal Set of Design & Operational Parameters
Deliverable number: 5.2
Due date: M36
Lead beneficiary: IDENER
Up-scaling Report Including the Fine-tuned Digital Twin Optimisation Results & Real-time Parameters Optimisation in a Relevant Environment
Deliverable number: 5.3
Due date: M41
HAZOP Report for Design & Operation
Deliverable number: 5.4
Due date: M41
Lead beneficiary: IDENER
WP6 – Flexby at TRL 5
Report on the Quality Evaluation of Flexible Biofuels for Safe Usage in the Heavy Transport Sector
Deliverable number: 6.3
Due date: M46
Lead beneficiary: GALP
Fine-tuning & Final Flexby Process Validation Report
Deliverable number: 6.4
Due date: M48
Lead beneficiary: IDENER
WP7 – Sustainability Assessment
Preliminary LCA
Deliverable number: 7.1
Due date: M12
Lead beneficiary: GREENDELTA
First Social Evaluation & Economic Report (S-LCA and LCC)
Deliverable number: 7.2
Due date: M20
Lead beneficiary: GREENDELTA
Final Social Evaluation & Economic Report (S-LCA and LCC)
Deliverable number: 7.3
Due date: M44
Lead beneficiary: GREENDELTA
Final Integrated Sustainability Assessment
Deliverable number: 74
Due date: M48
Lead beneficiary: GREENDELTA
WP8 – Exploitation, Dissemination & Communication Activities
Introductory Project Video
Deliverable number: 8.2
Due date: M12
Lead beneficiary: KNEIA
Final Project Video
Deliverable number: 8.3
Due date: M48
Lead beneficiary: KNEIA
Report on Clustering Activities
Deliverable number: 8.8
Due date: M48
Lead beneficiary: CO2 VALUE EUROPE